Friday 25 February 2011

Feb 25th Update

Hopefully we have finally finished the filming of our stop motion part of the video. All that is left is to add in some sound effects and add it to our footage. It is looking really good in my opinion.


Thursday 24 February 2011

feb 24th Update!!

Deborah And Clare are both at an open day today, therefore Dean and I will try to get the work up to date as best as we can. We are looking at photos of yesterdays stop motion and as we did not get it fully finished we have decided to shoot it all over again today or tomorrow as the lighting as fully changed as today is cloudier. We will hopefully have all the stop motion completed by tomorrow.

- Gerard

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Stop Motion!!

We have decided to redo our stop motion part of the video because our background wall ruins the video. I am going to take a camera and the city to my house tonight and finish it of, hopefully. Mr Tierney has recommended playing round with several angles so i am also going to try and mess around with a few ideas later on. We have also decided to add in a moon effect which clare is drawing now. Dean is still editing our footage and Deborah is working on the website.

- Gerard

Monday 21 February 2011


ok... maybe we aren't finished shooting just yet. We have decided to add some shots of Deborah miming and playing a guitar. After that all should be good and we will just have to edit the footage, create a dvd, finish the website etc.

- Gerard

Friday 18 February 2011


We have finally finished filming! Last Thursday, the stop-motion animation filming was completed at Gerdy's house and we got the footage at the Waterfront filmed on Saturday, as well as doing the photo shoot for the website. The shots have turned out well so far; we have finished editing the stop-motion clip, at the minute Dean is editing the Waterfront footage on Final Cut Pro and is going to bring it all together. Deborah has uploaded the photos onto our webpage on iWeb and the website is almost finished, we're just hoping to add a few Flash applications to complete it. Hopefully we shall have the coursework finished in the next few weeks! 


Friday 11 February 2011

Stop Motion With Candles

Good idea!!


Dean is off!!!!!

Our faithful leader Dean McAlea is off today. . . again. We are very disappointed in him as the night before he was off we filmed and I quote Dean on this, "you want me to take the camera because i am more reliable than Gerard hahaha". Not so funny now ey Dean . . . get back so we can edit that highest of quality footage on our camera.

- Gerard

Wednesday 9 February 2011

This would be a good idea in my opinion for the back or inside of our cover. for example, the spiralling effect,  changing the words to the opening or main line of the song. or possibly the name of the song or album and the artist Lights haha.

- Gerdy


We're going to do the stop-motion filming today at Gerdy's house, unfortunately I can't go but the rest of the group are going to go ahead anyway. We should be hopefully finishing filming on Saturday in Belfast, leaving us just to edit next week.
At the minute, Gerdy, Dean and I are researching album cover influences while Deborah is finishing off the webpage. We just need to do a photoshoot to get some pictures for our website and try get a audience feedback video for our CD layout!


Monday 7 February 2011

Album Cover Influences

I feel that this album cover could be quite influential for us; it has a very simple image and uses a sepia colour range. It's also really interesting how they have put the band name as the lights on the building in the image and have used a really simple, plain font for the album title. I feel that we could use similar simple fonts and neutral colours to make a cover that stands out. 

I really like the simple font teamed with the simple image on this album cover as it makes the title the main focus. We intend to have our front cover of our album package, therefore I feel that we could draw influences from the use of the font on this cover to make our album title memorable to the listener. 


More Album covers

Below are the album covers for the suggested similar artists that Lights was linked to these were postal service and owl city. Both Albums pictures are similar to certain ideas that we had such a s having the Lit up City in the background (Owl City) and having a plain background and style (Postal Service).

Album influences

Below are some album covers which I feel have inspired the creation for our album and websites style...

The Lights actual album cover which is quite plain already.

Below are two images one with the actual people and the other with subbed in Lego people, this was an idea of ours to swap Lights with a lego character and have the lego piece act as the actual lights character.

We also like the idea of keeping the album plain, and simple and have a plain background which will fill all of the pages, this will be similar to the background of the below plain white T's album cover:

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Album pretty much finished!

All of our album pages our finished apart from changing three of the pictures, the pages  are all of similar style which is to be kept plain so it fits with the acoustic song. Overall i think its looking good and hopefully when its finished it will fit with the website and the video! We are hoping to film when gerdy returns (impossible to tell) and then i can just swap the pictures over and its done!


Quick update!

Gerdy is currently off, so filming is being put on hold until he is well enough to join us again! In the mean time, Dean is still finishing off our album sleeve, which is looking really good so far, and at the minute me and Deborah are starting work on the website using iWeb.
We have decided to have the webpage and digipack to have a similar appearance so the website will also have browny tones throughout. 
