Tuesday 29 March 2011

Audience Feedback - Album Covers

Here's our audience feedback! Everyone pretty much agreed on the cover we intended on using and gave some constructive criticism, which we have taken on board.


Coursework is to be handed up for this Friday, so only three more days to complete everything! Almost finished everything, Gerdy is currently finishing off the inside covers for the album and has got the front and back covers done, which look really well! 
Dean is doing a few final touches to the video, we still have to refilm some footage of Deborah singing along to the song, as the filming we had for this felt a bit plain and we felt we could do it better. We plan to film this on Wednesday night at my house, which means on Thursday Dean can edit this footage into our music video and hopefully it'll be complete! 
Deborah is working on the website, which ties in with the colour scheme on the album cover, she's added loads of widgets and links on the site and it's looking pretty professional. 
I'm just uploading our audience feedback for our album covers, after that we just need an audience feedback for our completed music video and an evaluation from ourselves. Still a wee bit to do but we should be able to get it all done on time! 

-Clare :)

Monday 14 March 2011

Friday 11 March 2011

Album Cover idea

This is our initial album cover idea, however Mr Tierney feels we should first try a few other sample covers so we shall start on that.

new ideas!!!!

Dean and I are sitting in class now, Dean is working on the cover of the album and i am working on some new ideas for added shots and scenes for our video. We will continue brainstorming ideas for the duration of the class because we have around a minute to fill in our song still. We are also working on ideas for a photo for the website..Deb playing guitar seems to be the basis of the idea.

- Gerard

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Question for Monday!!!

1(a) Describe the ways in which your production work was informed by research into real media texts and how your ability to use such research for production developed over time.

(30 Minutes/25 Marks)

- Gerard