Wednesday 3 November 2010

Shots being used.

Pan shot of Belfast with fade-in transition of over the shoulder shot of girl cutting/folding paper

Close-up shot of girl singing along to lyrics of the song

Cut to point-of-view shot of hands cutting paper out (making paper buildings) then continued point-of-view shot of hands which place completed paper building amongst a paper city (representing the skyline from the first shot)

High angle above paper city to give an overview

Cuts back to close-up shot of girl singing along to lyrics, camera zooms out to show her making a paper boat, girl is still singing along to lyrics

Mid-shot showing girl placing completed boat beside the paper city

Use of stop-motion, with a canted angle, to show boat travelling through buildings, this will create a jerky action - as the boat travels, the buildings it passes either fall or crumple down

Back to mid-shot of girl as she places Lego trees in the position where the buildings were.

Stop-motion used again as paper boat makes its way to an actual river and then is dropped in by a hand.

-Clare :)

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