Tuesday 25 January 2011


January has been a messy/busy month with regards to our studies.. outside of media. Each of us has had different modules at different times so our group hasn't actually been in class together for the whole of January. Test are finishing up this week though, so we're going to take another trip into Belfast town to get some more shots complete.

With Gerard and Clare off for study leave,  Dean and I have been working on editing the stop motion video, Final Cut Pro is being the worst not loading fully on the laptop we were using so he's currently transferring it all over to a different computer and we'll put that together so at least we've got one thing sorted.

We were discussing album colours and what we could use to fill up the 6 sided digi-pack. We've agreed on a bland colour to go in tune with the song, not that it's bland or anything! But, it's very simple and we feel that this should be reflected in our digi-pack. It will include lyrics of the song, a track list and certain pictures from our actual music video. This is well under way and we only have one more side to complete before we can print it off.

So we just need to film the shots at Clare's house and in town again then edit them to go in turn with the song and that's us. I'm working on a website at the moment on iWeb so everything is running along!

- Deborah 

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